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Light Board Types How to Choose

The faceplate is an important decision in a store. It is important to gather sufficient information, as this can be very useful in an emergency and can help you choose a front bumper. Here are some important things to understand:

First of all, your logo is a very important aspect. The mark on the front will ruin if the logo is bad. That is why a good logo is very important. You can contact a professional designer and have them design a logo.
The following is to save money and time to make the faceplate. Before you create a face plate, you must understand the local boundaries and understand the requirements. There are various requirements for the appearance of the face plate. This can be related to: height, width, material, font size or color.
The content of the message is subject to restrictions in some places. The law strives for a uniform appearance. If you know these facts before you sign, you save time and money. You also pay for changes and any fines. Contact your Chamber of Commerce or Google Search to know the requirements for your zip code.
For the brand type

Material input
Fabric panels are cheap; They can be unique and colorful. However, they must be repaired and replaced. Nylon, plastic or vinyl banners are based on a square foot between $ 3 and $ 10 per square foot. If you choose lightweight and durable fabrics, you have to pay more for installation and hardware. You can even place an order online and receive it within a few days.

Painted plywood boards

This type of shield is personal and simple. He is creative and affordable. In fact, a 4 'x 4' multiplex panel can start at $ 50 without installation costs. The color type and font size influence the price. Also consider wood such as cherry or oak, but these front panels can also be damaged by the weather and often have to be replaced.

Painted glass

It is a unique opportunity that is attractive and inexpensive. You can use your viewing box as an image area. Due to the complexity and design, a panel with a painted glass front can be available from around $ 150. However, you can use paint all year round, but you can use it for thousands of dollars. Lack of visibility can be a disadvantage due to the reduced sunlight.

The front panel is painted

It is weather-resistant and is a permanent option. Depending on the design, these panels are modern and clean. 18 "x 24" double-sided metal board costs around $ 75 without installation costs. Size or color can raise prices.

Cut out a metal label on the front

He is a three-dimensional frontal character that adds interest and texture. The price depends on the size of the letters and the metal used. They start at around $ 200 without installation costs.

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